Have you ever felt unlovable, even though you know in your mind that God loves you? It’s like standing in the blazing sun but not feeling its warmth. If you’ve ever wondered how to feel God’s love when you feel unlovable, you’re not alone.

You might know God loves you, but it can be hard to truly feel that love deep in your heart. If that sounds familiar, keep reading—I’m sharing 5 practical steps to help you feel God’s love more deeply, even when it feels out of reach.

Woman standing outside reflecting on God's love and worth

Feeling unlovable even though you know God loves you? Watch this video for 5 practical steps on how to feel God’s love when you feel unlovable.

What Steps Can I Take to Feel God’s Love More Deeply Every Day?

It can be confusing when you know God loves you, but you don’t always feel it. Maybe it’s because life gets in the way, or past hurt makes it harder to connect with that love. The good news is, there are ways to close the gap between knowing and feeling God’s love. Let’s dive into some practical steps you can take to start experiencing His love more fully.

1. Understand the Disconnect Between Your Mind and Heart in Feeling God’s Love

One of the biggest struggles is when we know in our minds that God loves us, but it doesn’t always feel that way in our hearts. It’s like holding a priceless diamond in your hand, but not seeing its true value. We know God’s love is constant, but sometimes it’s hard to feel it.

Romans 5:8 says, “God showed His love for us while we were yet sinners.” This truth is powerful. God’s love is unchanging, and it’s always available, whether we feel it or not.

Action Step: Recognize God’s Love Daily

Write “I am loved by God” on a sticky note and put it somewhere you’ll see it every day. Even if it feels cheesy at first, this small reminder will help you start changing how you feel about yourself. Over time, you’ll start to believe it more deeply. This simple step can help you recognize God’s love when you don’t feel it.

2. Replace Negative Beliefs with the Truth of God’s Love

Think of trying to drive with foggy windows. It’s impossible to see the road clearly. When we’ve been hurt or others have failed us in the past, it’s like we have foggy windows in our hearts. Those past experiences, and the lies we tell ourselves, cloud the truth of who we are in God’s eyes.

Ephesians 1:4 reminds us that “He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless.” You are chosen, worthy, and loved by God, no matter what lies you may have believed about yourself.

Action Step: Replace Lies with God’s Truth

The next time you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, stop and replace it with the truth from God’s word. When you think, “I’m not enough,” replace that with “I am worthy, I am chosen, and I am loved by God.” Do this every time, and watch how it changes your perspective. By replacing lies with truth, you’ll begin to feel God’s love more deeply.

Woman sitting outside among pink flowers embracing self-compassion and grace in peaceful reflection

3. Practice Self-Compassion and Accept God’s Grace

God’s love isn’t based on our performance, but many times, we feel like we need to be perfect to be loved. But 2 Corinthians 12:9 tells us that God’s grace is sufficient for us. His love is unconditional—even when we make mistakes.

Remember, just because you fail at something doesn’t mean you are a failure. God’s love is unconditional, and His grace covers all of it.

Action Step: Practice Self-Compassion

When you make a mistake, pause and remind yourself that you are not defined by your failures. Speak to yourself with the same compassion you would offer to a friend. Allow God’s love to help you forgive yourself and move forward. This act of self-compassion will help you feel God’s love even more, especially when you feel unlovable.

4. Find Peace and Quiet to Hear God’s Voice and Feel His Love

In our noisy world, it’s hard to hear God’s voice. It’s like trying to have a conversation at a loud concert—impossible, right? Psalm 46:10 reminds us, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Even Jesus took time to be alone and pray. If He needed it, how much more do we?

Action Step: Make Time for Quiet Prayer

Set aside 5 minutes each morning for quiet time and prayer. Ask God to help you feel His love during this time. Just a few minutes of stillness can help you feel His presence more clearly and experience His love. By creating quiet space, you’ll start to hear God’s voice more clearly and feel His love deeply.

Group of women discussing God’s love and supporting each other in community

5. Build a Supportive Community That Reflects God’s Love

Sometimes, we need others to reflect God’s love for us, especially when we’re struggling to feel it ourselves. Proverbs 27:17 tells us, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Surrounding yourself with a supportive community can help remind you of God’s truth when you forget it.

Action Step: Build Relationships with Believers

Seek out a group of people who can encourage you and reflect God’s love. If you’re not sure where to start, reach out to your church or join a small group. You don’t need to walk this journey alone! Being part of a loving community will help you experience God’s love through others, especially when you’re struggling to feel it.


Can I Truly Feel Loved by God If I’ve Made Mistakes?

Yes, you can still feel loved by God, even if you’ve made mistakes. God’s love isn’t based on your perfection, but on His grace and forgiveness. No matter what you’ve done, His love is unconditional and never fades. When you repent and seek His forgiveness, He embraces you with open arms. As Romans 8:39 reminds us, “Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

How Do I Stop Feeling Unlovable and Start Seeing Myself Through God’s eyes?

To stop feeling unlovable and start seeing yourself through God’s eyes, it’s helpful to remember that you are His precious child, and He loves you just as you are. It’s easy to focus on our mistakes or flaws, but God doesn’t see you that way.

When you start to embrace how He sees you, it can really change how you feel about yourself. Like Psalm 139:14 says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” God made you exactly as you are, and He loves you deeply.

Embrace God’s Unchanging Love

God’s love is unchanging and always available, whether you feel it or not. When you take action and put these tips into practice, you’ll start to feel His love more deeply. Remember, you are worthy, you are chosen, and you are loved by the Creator of the universe.

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