Tshanina peterson

Hi, friend. I’m Tshanina!

I’m a wife and mom who loves to encourage Christian women to pursue joy and peace.

I believe that no matter what craziness life throws your way, you don’t have to walk this journey alone.

Welcome! I’m so excited you’re here!

Does this sound familiar?

  • You struggle to grow in your faith walk and often wish you knew how to be a better Christ-follower.
  • You feel like you’re just going through the day-to-day motions instead of living your best life possible.
  • You sit down to pray but the words just won’t come.
  • You constantly worry about what others think about you and wonder if you’re good enough.
  • You know that life can be better but you just don’t know how to get there.

If you can relate to any of these statements, you’re not alone. Hold on, friend, because life is about to get easier! 

Why is this the perfect place for you?

I know what it’s like to want a better life.

This journey of life has led me through valleys of heartache, betrayal, insecurity, divorce, and depression, so I know what it’s like to want a better life filled with joy and peace.

Is it really possible for Christian women to have joy and peace?

Yes, it absolutely is! (My life is proof!)

To me, living an abundant life doesn’t mean you’ll live a perfect life with no problems – that’s just not possible.

  • Does it mean you have to be happy all the time? Of course not!
  • Will you have hard days? Absolutely!

Your life will be filled with peaks and valleys, and it’s how you choose to deal with those situations that will determine whether or not you will have joy and peace.

Pursue a life filled with Joy + Peace!

Learn how to be the best YOU possible (and get bonus content from me) delivered to your inbox every Wednesday!

(You’ll also receive The Busy Woman’s Bible Reading Plan when you join the community.)

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations!

During the hard moments of life…working through the pain of divorce from my first marriage and constantly battling with insecurity, to name a few…choosing joy and peace as a Christian woman didn’t come naturally to me, but I had a choice to make. I could either run from God or run to Him. 

Can you relate?

I would have never chosen the difficult days I’ve walked through but they’ve made me into the person that I am today!

I’m happy to report that the peaks have far outweighed the valleys

My heart has healed, my hope has been renewed, I’ve found love that I never dreamed possible, and I’m learning to pursue joy and peace. And guess what…you can too!

The surprises kept coming!

Never planning on having children, you can imagine our shock when we received the news of my surprise pregnancy and our son, Dalton! 

My life has been full of ups and downs but one thing is certain – the Lord’s been with me through it all!      

Tshanina Peterson with her husband and son


transforming your day in only 10 minutes a day.

…making time to fill your tank so you can be the best YOU possible.

confidently talking to your Heavenly Father and knowing what and how to pray.

I’m confident this and so much more is possible for you!

: : Begin To Pursue Joy and Peace : :

Take your first step to a joyful and peaceful life!

Enter your email below and I’ll send you 5 keys to pursuing joy and peace (plus the busy woman’s 30 day Bible reading plan)! 

Connect with me

I don’t pretend to have it all together or have the answers to all of life’s questions.

My commitment is to help you pursue joy + peace and share what the Lord is teaching me. If perfection is what you’re looking for, I’m not the girl for you. 

You can expect a real life girl that will shoot you straight and help you laugh along the way. I’m devoted to helping you be the best woman that God created you to be!

Learn how to be the best YOU possible while growing in your faith walk (plus get bonus content from me) delivered to your inbox every Wednesday!

Have more questions? Can’t find what you need? Please reach out directly to me.
