I’m excited to show you how to teach your toddler or preschooler how to play UNO! It’s so fun, and you’ll be amazed how quickly he’ll pick it up! Let me show you how with these 4 easy steps.

If I can teach my toddler how to play UNO you can too.
We started playing UNO when Dalton was 2 and it’s still one of our favorite games to play together now that he’s older.
Friends and family were amazed at how well he could play at the age of 3 1/2.
Here’s how I taught him!
Teach Your Toddler How To Play Uno In 4 Easy Steps
1. Match Up Colors & Numbers On Your UNO Cards
When Dalton was 2 years old I introduced the UNO cards to him and we would match up the colors and numbers. This was perfect for his age and a great way to learn and have fun at the same time.
I will say that there were lots of times, especially at the beginning, when he would pick up the cards and throw them all over the place. It was frustrating, to say the least, and felt a bit like 52 card pick-up, but I’m glad I stuck with it. (And, yes, I made him help pick up too!)
2. Add the Skip
It was quite a while (at least 6-9 months) before I taught him how to use the Skip card. (They were always in the deck and we’d match up colors but he never knew how to use them.)
When I did show him how it worked he was ecstatic.
It quickly became his favorite card and he loves to be able to skip mommy and daddy. He giggles when he finds one in his stack of cards and is able to use it!
3. Add the Wild and Draw 2 UNO Cards
About a month after adding the Skip card I felt like he was ready to learn how to use the Wild and Draw 2 cards. I thought for sure that he’d be more excited about them than the Skip card but, alas, I was wrong.
When using the Wild cards let your child decide which color he’d like to pick. Of course, he may need help or direction at the beginning but I promise he’ll catch on quickly.
The best way to teach this it to have him look at the cards in his hand (or card holder) and see which color he has the most of – teach him this is the color he should pick.
If your child is like my son he may pick a certain color just so he can use his Skip card. Ha!
4. Add the Reverse
If it’s just you and your child playing together it’s difficult to show him how the Reverse card works. So when you’re playing with a 3rd or even 4th person (and you feel he’s ready) show him how the Reverse card works. This, in my opinion, is the most difficult card to explain.
When you’re teaching your kiddos new things it’s best to start small. But I promise they’re smarter than we think and will pick it up quickly.
You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment when your child has learned to play UNO. I can’t wait for you to see how fun it is so if you haven’t already grab yourself a pack of UNO cards (and a card holder – this makes it much easier for them to hold their cards) and start playing!
This post was originally written in 2018.

Your Preschooler Might Also Enjoy These Fun Games:
Guess Who? Junior
In this fun game for preschoolers, kids use clues from the cards to identify animal features and discover them on the board.
The first to correctly guess 5 animals wins.
There are levels of play. In the Level 1, players identify animals using all 3 clues. In Level 2, they’ll roll to see how many clues they get.
Hi Ho! Cherry-O
In this classic game players pick fruit from the trees on their board game and fill their buckets.
When it’s their turn they’ll spin the spinner and it will show them how many to pick or put back. (This is great for teaching basic math skills.)
The first to fill their basket wins.
Twister Junior
Your kiddo will have two games in one!
In Level 1 players will be introduce to turn-taking, color matching, and animal recognition.
Flip the mat over for level 2 which helps encourage movement and balance as they use their body to match the right colors and animals.
Who will be the last player standing to win?
Each player chooses a Cootie bug body and head.
Then they spin the spinner and begin building their bug using legs, eye and mouth pieces, and head accessories.
The first person to build their Cootie bug wins!
The game includes different versions you can play to mix up the fun.
Chutes and Ladders
In this classic game, players move their person up the ladders and down the chutes.
The first player to reach the top wins!
Candy Land
In this classic game, players race to the castle.
On their turn players will draw a card with colored blocks that show them where to move their gingerbread man along the path.
Some cards have “delicious” surprises that will move them fatThey’ll Along the path are delicious to yummy destinations.
The first player to reach the castle wins!
Operation Junior
In this shape finding game players take turns flipping cards with shapes and objects, and race to find them on the board.
When they spot one and they’ll place Cavity Sam’s wooden nose on top of it.
The player to find the most wins.
Flip the board(s) over for another fun way to play as they find tough-to-spot images in the park scene.
Pizza Pizza
In this fun game players spin the double spinner and choose a topping card by color or shape to fill their pizza board.
They’ll likely find it hilarious that toppings in this game are sometimes very unusual and yucky.
The player to fill their pizza board first wins.
Paw Patrol Spot It
Paw Patrol fans will enjoy seeing their favorite characters as they race to be the player to spot the matching symbols.
Each player selects a Zingo board.
One player moves the Zingo Zinger forward to reveal two tiles.
The first player to find matching tiles and fill their Zingo board wins.
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