Maxine's No-Bake Cookies are a perfect pairing of peanut butter, chocolate and oatmeal. This is definitely one of those easy desserts that you’ll fall in love with at first bite! Stop by for my grandma’s recipe.

stack of no-bake cookies

Today I’m sharing my grandma Maxine’s No-Bake Cookies recipe! She was a wonderful cook and I’m always thrilled to share her recipes with you!

No-Bake Cookies

Peanut butter paired with chocolate is definitely a winner in my book, and that’s what always makes these cookies a big hit. You better believe I had to try some of the cookie “dough” before it hardened. Yummo! What can I say – I couldn’t wait!

(It took a while for the cookies to harden. I ended up putting them in the refrigerator to finish up the process, and it worked like a charm!)

No-Bake Cookies

Maxine's No-Bake Cookies are a perfect pairing of peanut butter, chocolate and oatmeal. This is definitely one of those easy desserts that you’ll fall in love with at first bite! Stop by for my grandma’s recipe.