Do you ever wish you could just get away…from life, people, or even everything? I want to show you why it’s imperative that you occasionally take a break from social media. Trust me, Facebook, Instagram, and all of the other social media platforms will be there when you get back. Give yourself permission to put up a “be back soon” status and enjoy a social media fast.
I get it! You think I’m crazy for even suggesting the thought of taking a social media fast. If you’re a skeptic, please hear me out!
I’m Not Against Social Media
I enjoy social media and you can find me perusing around on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. It’s fun to see what my family in another state is up to, find out what’s going on in everyone’s day-to-day life, or just plain putz around!
Social Media Can Be A Time Waster
I’m sure you already know that social media can be a BIG time waster. We sit in front of our computers or glare at our smart phones for hours on end just waiting to see who’s going to like or reply to our status when right next to us there are friends/family who are more than willing to have a real conversation with us. (I’m raising my hand because I’m so guilty of this too!)
Why Take A Social Media Fast?
Maybe the question should be why not take a social media fast? If you’re like me your brain is constantly going. Unplugging from social media lets our brains rest and helps us recharge our batteries. Perhaps you have a goal of trying something new, reading a book, or any number of things. I’ll bet that as you step away from social media, you’ll begin pursuing those things.
Our kids are inundated with technology and it’s so hard for them to sit still or even be in silence. If we don’t take a break from social media, what are we teaching them? (A few years ago I went on a retreat with the students from our church and we encouraged them to unplug from phones, iPods, etc. As we sat outside on a quiet evening it was neat to see them enjoy the stillness and gaze at the stars. For many it seemed like the first time. At the end of our trip they shared how refreshed they felt.)
But for me it’s not just about recharging my batteries and being still. The truth is, it’s hard not to compare myself to others on social media. Whether it’s elaborate vacations, swimsuit clad bodies, “perfect families” (trust me, they don’t exist) or any number of things, it’s hard not to play the comparison game. When we take a social media fast we remove ourselves from all of that nonsense!
My Social Media Fast
I recently decided enough was enough and committed to having social media free Sundays for an entire month. I’ll admit that it was very difficult at first, and I may have cheated a few times, but I stuck with it. I’d find myself picking up the computer only to start typing in the address to Facebook and then I’d catch myself.
To be honest, I enjoyed social media free Sundays and I’ve continued – this’ll actually be my fourth month. Taking this break this helps me rest. I’ve found myself reading more (something which I hated to do) and even just being still.
How to Take A Social Media Fast
If you’re toying with the idea of taking a social media fast, I encourage you to give it a shot. Who knows, you might just love it.
It’s as easy as picking a time/day and just going for it. Whether you take a break on a particular day or for a few hours in the evening, pick a time.
Commit to your social media fast for one month. (I’ve had social media free Sundays and really enjoyed them. I found myself reading more, resting and being still.)
Share with a friend to keep yourself accountable, otherwise you might not stick with it for the entire month.
Doing the same type of thing on a smaller scale and fasting on the day corresponding to the month (1/1, 2/2, etc)
That’s a great idea Tricia! Thanks for sharing!