This list of unconventional and fun ways to get moving will help you think outside the box and give you the exercise motivation you need on your health journey. Whether you’re overweight and losing weight is your goal or you’re simply wanting to stay fit and keep the pounds off, you’re going to love these easy tips and ideas. Beginners, the key to staying motivated with exercise is to have a plan in place…for the next 30 days and beyond!

This list of unconventional and fun ways to get moving will help you think outside the box and give you the exercise motivation you need on your health journey. Whether you’re overweight and losing weight is your goal or you’re simply wanting to stay fit and keep the pounds off, you’re going to love these easy tips and ideas. Beginners, the key to staying motivated with exercise is to have a plan in place…for the next 30 days and beyond!

This list of unconventional and fun ways to get moving will help you think outside the box and give you the exercise motivation you need on your health journey. Whether you’re overweight and losing weight is your goal or you’re simply wanting to stay fit and keep the pounds off, you’re going to love these easy tips and ideas. Beginners, the key to staying motivated with exercise is to have a plan in place…for the next 30 days and beyond!

There are days when I have to force myself to get moving. You may think I’m kidding but I promise I’m not! The neat part about it is that each time I push myself and get moving I’m always so glad that I did. Not only do I feel physically better after exercising, but mentally too. If I can push through and get moving you can too!

Let this list inspire you to think outside the box and get creative with your exercise habits.

15 unconventional (and fun) ways to get moving!

  • Take the stairs
  • Park farther away from the store so you have to walk more
  • Play with your kids at the park
  • Stand up and do 10 squats every hour at work
  • Go bowling
  • Do 50 jumping jacks or 20 push-ups
  • Kick a soccer ball with your kids after dinner
  • Do some yardwork
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Clean hour house
  • Wash your car by hand
  • Shoot some hoops (basketball)
  • Plant a garden
  • Walk around while on a phone call
  • Go for a walk on your lunch break

What are your favorite unconventional ways to get moving?